Please scroll down for the list of companies across Scotland who are Heatsource Champions. The application process for new champions is closed at this time, however please reach out using this form to connect with the Heatsource team to arrange a 121.
Decarbonising heat is one of the biggest challenges in our collective fight against climate change.
Every area of the clean heat supply chain must grow in capacity and capability to meet future demands for products, processes and services in the sector. HeatSource is here to support organisations like yours to take advantage of the opportunities available in the transition to a clean heat energy sector.
A HeatSource Champion is a company who exemplifies best practice, willing to share knowledge and experience and speak to the challenges and opportunities being faced by the sector. If your company does, then enquire to become a HeatSource Champion!
Be part of the new heat network for the sector
We would like a diverse mix of companies representative of the sector and its supply chain, from installers to manufacturers working in Scotland, to join up and form a new heat network for the sector.
Benefits include:
Be invited to take part in HeatSource and related events.
Have your logo displayed on the HeatSource website and get to display the HeatSource logo on your social media pages and email signatures.
Share relevant low carbon heat events your organisation is delivering with our team if you are looking for a speaker or would like us to promote the event.
Gain access to HeatSource news, opportunities, and information from Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and South of Scotland Enterprise on their support for industry around the Net Zero Transition in Scotland.
Collaborate with like-minded organisations to showcase best practice in the sector, advocate low carbon heat and feature in our campaigns.
See the FAQs below for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions
A HeatSource Champion is a company whose work in the low carbon heat space aligns with and supports the delivery of Scottish Governments Heat in Buildings Strategy and is helping Scotland in the transition to low carbon economy and achieving emissions reductions targets as set out in the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Act 2019.
We are looking for companies across the sector who can:
• Support HeatSource activity and promote through their supply chain.
• Provide outline case study material of good practice in projects, products, services and innovation, what this means for them/their business and its benefits.
• Support HeatSource in feeding back industry challenges and progress towards helping Scotland meet Net Zero targets. Provide insight and evidence as and when data is available.
• Support our media/events work as appropriate.
• Every company who is selected as a HeatSource Champion will have their logo displayed on the HeatSource website. We will also provide you with HeatSource logos to put on your social media pages and email signatures.
• You will also be invited to contribute at HeatSource and related events on a case-by-case basis. We will approach you.
• You are welcome to share relevant Low Carbon Heat events your organisation is delivering, with the HeatSource team if you are looking for a speaker or would like the team to promote the event.
• We will look to promote and amplify your work as industry good practice, where appropriate
Please forward your details to HeatSource@be-st.build. We will get back to you with a short questionnaire to complete.
When completing the qualifying questions to become a HeatSource Champion, please provide your answers in a PDF or Word document.
Your application and responses will be assessed by the HeatSource team and the members of the project partners.
We will then inform you of the outcome shortly after your application has been reviewed.
Selected companies will be appointed for a period of 1 year, with a renewal of their commitment sought at that stage.
We are not placing a limit on the number of champions and will be bringing on-board new companies, on a monthly basis, across the course of 22/23.
There will be no financial cost to members of the HeatSource Champions group.