

Bringing together knowledge, people & opportunities in the low carbon heat sector.



Clean Heat 2025

Clean Heat 2025

Clean Heat 2025

Clean Heat 2025 is dedicated to the delivery of clean, renewable heat to buildings in Scotland. It brings together public, private, and third-sector organisations to share their knowledge and expertise of the sector.

Its purpose is to generate interest in the clean heat supply chain by showcasing the opportunities that exist within it.

The event will also address the barriers to Scotland’s heat decarbonisation targets and look at how we can overcome them.

We're looking for a broad range of attendees, including:

  • Small and medium-sized enterprises that are already in, or looking to enter, the clean heat supply chain and are based in Scotland

  • Local authorities

  • New-build developers

  • Key industry organisations

  • Investors

  • Academics, innovation centres, and Catapults

  • Utility providers

  • First mover organisations – registered social landlords, public sector bodies, private landlords, and social housing organisations

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Research and development in mine water heat

Research and development in mine water heat

Research and development in mine water heat

Dr Fiona Todd, our principal research and development manager, will provide an overview of our mine heat research to date, including details of our flagship mine water heat monitoring network in Gateshead, England, and how this will further improve our understanding of thermal behaviour between operational schemes.

We will also touch on some of the technical challenges facing mine water heat development, as well as our future plans to work with researchers to fill any knowledge gaps and maximise the potential of mine water heating and cooling.

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Facilitating mine water heat schemes through access agreements

Facilitating mine water heat schemes through access agreements

Facilitating mine water heat schemes through access agreements

The second webinar will focus on how the Mining Remediation Authority helps to facilitate mine water heat schemes through our access agreements. Joanne Eynon, our Principal Manager for Mine Heat Licensing, will provide an overview of our new application forms and best practice documentation, giving developers and local authorities confidence in how to proceed with an application.

The talk will outline the steps involved to secure the necessary permissions and set out our framework for reviewing applications. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions following the webinar. 

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Mine water heat opportunities

Mine water heat opportunities

Mine water heat opportunities

Hear from Gareth Farr, our Head of Heat and By Product Innovation, about the opportunities mine water heat presents to coalfield communities, our current progress on mine water heat schemes, and an overview of some of the innovative projects we’ve been supporting to help realise more mine water heat schemes in Great Britain. 

The presentation will be followed by a short Q&A where you can find out more about our work on mine water heat projects. 

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Getting tender ready and how to bid for clean heat contracts.

Getting tender ready and how to bid for clean heat contracts.

Getting tender ready and how to bid for clean heat contracts.

  • Scottish Enterprise teamed up with the Supplier Development Programme to run a series of two webinars to help Scottish based SMEs to win more contracts in the ever-expanding clean heat market.

    What is clean heat? - Clean heat is defined as technologies to decrease carbon emissions from buildings.  This includes energy efficiency, heat pumps, heat networks, and associated sensors and controls.

    The first webinar focused on the clean heat market and opportunities; this second online event builds on this with advice on how to win tenders. Please ensure you attend both webinars.

    During this live webinar, we will introduce you to the Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) portal together with tips on how to complete your tender bid. Speakers from the Scottish Procurement Alliance and Scotland Excel will provide more detail on their clean heat framework contracts, followed by a case study from an SMEs to talk about the supplier perspective.

    We will have interactive Polls throughout the event and a live Q&A, giving you an opportunity to ask questions while our experts are live online.

    Webinar agenda 

  • Introduction from Supplier Development Programme

  • Presentation from Scottish Enterprise to include, what is clean heat?  Size and growth of the market.

  • Advice from SDP – Getting tender ready - Top Tips for Tendering

  • Scottish Procurement Alliance – clean heat framework contracts

  • Scotland Excel - clean heat framework contracts

  • How to win tenders – a case study from an SME

  • Live Q&A

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Clean Heat Market and Opportunities

Clean Heat Market and Opportunities

Clean Heat Market and Opportunities

Scottish Enterprise has teamed up with the Supplier Development Programme to run a series of two webinars, to help Scottish based SMEs to win more contracts in the ever-expanding clean heat market.

What is clean heat? - Clean heat is defined as technologies to decrease carbon emissions from buildings. This includes energy efficiency, heat pumps, heat networks, and associated sensors and controls.

This first webinar will focus on the clean heat market and opportunities. The second online event ( 23rd January ‘25) will build on this with advice on how to win tenders. Please ensure you book to attend both webinars

During this live webinar you will learn about the clean heat market and its growth. The main clean heat framework contracts will be described along with the support that is available to help you to bid for contracts. This will be followed by two case studies from a buyer’s perspective: one from an SME contractor, the other from the public sector buyer.

We will have interactive Polls throughout the webinar and a live Q&A, giving you an opportunity to ask questions while our experts are live online.

Webinar agenda 

  • Introduction from Supplier Development Programme

  • Presentation from Scottish Enterprise to include, what is clean heat?  Size and growth of the market.

  • Overview from SDP -support available to help to you bid for contracts.

  • Clean Heat framework contracts – what frameworks are live and coming soon?

  • A buyer’s perspective (private sector)-A case study from a contractor.

  • A buyer’s perspective (public sector)-What procurement routes does a Council use

  • Live Q&A

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Geothermal Energy and Underground Thermal Energy Storage: Opportunities, Tools & Support

Geothermal Energy and Underground Thermal Energy Storage: Opportunities, Tools & Support

Scotland has a rich history of mining and in the past coal was a fuel that contributed greatly to meeting our power and heating needs.  However, did you know that there is an opportunity for this industry to create a new, cleaner energy legacy?  The concept of mine water geothermal, used in many countries around the world, is one that uses abandoned coal mines, filled with water, which is a steady temperature year-round, as a source of thermal energy which can be upgraded to temperatures usable in buildings.

Geothermal energy refers to heat energy stored within the ground and exists across the UK in different geological settings. Shallow geothermal energy (low grade heat) is found in the subsurface at depths up to 500m and can be extracted from both the rocks and aquifers as well as the flooded old mine workings.

Underground thermal energy storage (UTES) is a way to capture and store excess heat either within abandoned mines or within aquifers. UTES systems are, if well designed, more efficient and cheaper to operate than traditional geothermal installations.  The thermal properties of the subsurface are an important consideration in understanding the amount of heat that can be recovered after storage and used for the supply to future heat networks.

There has been investment in research and development facilities, feasibility studies and digital tools to support this sector.  So how can your business capitalise on this investment and unlock new opportunities for growth and collaboration especially in the area of underground thermal storage? Sign up to this webinar and learn more. 

Join HeatSource for this webinar on geothermal and thermal storage where we will be joined by experts to discuss the scale of the opportunity in Scotland and hear about key projects underway as well as the tools and support available. Is your business looking to innovate and collaborate, or do you just want to learn more about this technology and how it might contribute to Scotland Clean Heat future? Then sign up below.


Emma Church, Impact Manager, BE-ST


Vanessa Starcher, Science and Operations Lead UK Geoenergy Observatory Glasgow, British Geological Survey (BGS)

Vanessa is the Science and Operations lead for the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow which focuses on increasing the understanding of mine-water heating and underground thermal energy storage.

Vanessa has over 30 years of experience in the energy arena, initially focussed on the oil and gas sector. She began her career as a geophysicist and spent several years working overseas before joining the British Geological Survey in Edinburgh. At this point Vanessa transitioned into renewable energy and has been involved in both the construction and operational phases of the Glasgow Observatory. Vanessa currently is responsible for the delivery of research and innovation projects linked to the facility and also oversees the operational aspects of the site.

Jamie Macfarlane, Energy Statistics, Office of the Chief Economic Adviser (OCEA), Scottish Government

Jamie has worked as a statistician within the Scottish Government for over a decade, covering areas such as crime, household surveys and the National Performance Framework. For the last year, Jamie has been working on energy statistics with responsibility for the production of the Scotland Heat Map and analysis related to heat networks and non-domestic buildings.

Zoe Shipton, University of Strathclyde

Rachel McCaw, Energy Transition Specialist for Geothermal and Digital Technologies in Clean Heat, Scottish Enterprise          

As an Energy Transition Specialist at Scottish Enterprise, Rachel McCaw is dedicated to supporting Scotland’s ambitious goals for sustainable energy transformation. She leads on digital technology to optimise low carbon technologies and geothermal energy as a sustainable energy source to decarbonise heat in buildings. With a degree in Environmental Science and a strong background in renewable energy and sustainability she collaborates with businesses and stakeholders to drive innovation, research and development for effective outcomes for decarbonisation. 

Session Detail

13.00      Welcome and Introduction: Emma Church, BE-ST          

13.05      Introduction to UK Geoenergy Observatories and underground thermal energy storage (UTES): Vanessa Starcher, BGS

13.20     Scotland’s Heat Map: Jamie Macfarlane, Scottish Government      

1.30 ‘STEaM’ project and ‘Galleries to Calories’ project overview, Zoe Shipton, University of Strathclyde

1.40 Funding and Support Rachel McCaw, Scottish Enterprise

1.45 Audience Q&A

14.00 Event Ends

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The Scottish Green Energy Awards 2024

The Scottish Green Energy Awards 2024

The Scottish Green Energy Awards 2024

The Scottish Green Energy Awards will return to Edinburgh on Thursday 5 December 2024.

To register your interest in attending the event or submitting a nomination, please complete this form.

For information on sponsorship opportunities, please email Carol Burns, Head of Strategic Partnerships and Commercial.

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HeatSource Heat Networks in Action Event

HeatSource Heat Networks in Action Event

HeatSource Heat Networks in Action Event

Join the Heatsource team at our in-person event in Aberdeen on Tuesday 26th November to learn more about heat networks and how Aberdeen City Council are working collaboratively with suppliers to deliver multiple schemes across the city.

With speakers from Scottish Government’s Heat Network Support Unit, Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeen Heat and Power and Vital Energi on the £25million Torry District Heat Scheme and gain insights from a number of our Heatsource champions on innovation in the supply chain.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to be part of the conversation to identifying how we overcome the barriers to mass adoption of heat networks in Scotland’s major cities. The event will be followed by a networking drinks reception to connect and continue the conversation and discuss specific opportunities or challenges you may have.

Session Overview

  • 12.15: Lunch provided

  • 12.45: Registration

  • 13.00: Welcome and introduction to HeatSource by Jennifer Smart, BE-ST

  • 13.15: Three sections:

    • Why Heat Networks? -   Heat Network Support Unit  - Alastair Robertson, Head of Heat Network Delivery

    • The role of the Local Authority – Aberdeen City Council  - Maizatul Muhammad, Energy Team Lead

    • Heat Networks in practice – Vital energy  - Kieran Walsh, Regional Manager

  • 14.15: Audience Q&A, hosted by Heatsource – Jennifer Smart 

  • 14.30: Coffee 

  • 14.45: District Heating – wider benefits and the opportunity for the supply chain panel session

    • Panel members:

    • Sav Systems – Simon Kerr, Account Manager

    • Kensa – Mark Potter,  Regional Manager Scotland & Northern England

    • GREN – Tanja Growth, Development Director

    • SNIB – Gemma Bone-Dodds, Director Insights & Policy

  • 15.45: Q&A hosted by Heatsource -  Emma Church

  • 16.15: Reflections – Anne Johnstone – Head of ESG, Vital Energy 

  • 16.30: Close

  • 16.30 – 18.30: Optional drinks reception and networking 


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HeatSource: Demystifying Electric Heating

HeatSource: Demystifying Electric Heating

HeatSource: Demystifying Electric Heating

Join us and a panel of experts from a range of direct electric heating technology companies.  This session will provide an overview of a variety of direct electric heating solutions and complementary technology currently available on the market.  With a focus on their benefits to consumers in owner occupied as well as tenanted properties, their role in retrofit and application across a variety of different property types.  This session will discuss the part these technologies play in the current and future mix of heating and more importantly clean heating in Scotland.  


Tom Warren, BE-ST


Kenny Cameron, Connected Response

Connected Response optimise electric storage heating and hot water in households with existing storage heaters with active projects in London, Glasgow, and the west highlands.  Working with social landlords and energy efficiency organisations to provide improvements in thermal comfort and reduce energy costs for consumers through the retrofit of smart controls and tariffs to optimise existing heating systems.

Craig Heriot, Flexel

Flexel manufacture and supply innovative heating systems and accessories at their facility in Glenrothes.  Offering a range of far infrared heaters, underfloor and ceiling heating systems that give consumers and users an alternative to traditional wet heating systems.

David Wright, Sunamp

Sunamp design and manufacture space saving thermal energy storage solutions which can be combined with a wide range of heating system technologies, and can be charged by heat pumps, solar PV, grid electricity and even fossil fuel boilers.

Garry Cowan, Electric Heating Company

The Electric Heating Company are one of the UK’s leading suppliers of electric heating and hot water products, based in Blantyre, just outside Glasgow.


13.30: Welcome/ Intro 

13.35: Panel intros

14.00: Discussion, including audience Q&A

14.25: Wrap up                               


HeatSource is a collaborative knowledge hub funded by Scotland’s enterprise agencies which explores opportunities in low carbon heat.  It brings together knowledge, partners and resources in order to help ready the sector for net zero targets.

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HeatSource: Breaking the barriers to heat pumps at scale

HeatSource: Breaking the barriers to heat pumps at scale

HeatSource: Breaking the barriers to heat pumps at scale

Join us and a panel of experts for a discussion on the current barriers to wide scale uptake of heat pumps in Scotland.  Heat pumps need to become more appealing and more affordable for consumers, a competent workforce able to respond to the demands of a growing sector is crucial too.  This session provides a forum to discuss these and more of the challenges facing the clean heat sector in Scotland.


Emma Church, BE-ST


Ian Edgeworth, Energy Training Academy

Ian is the Technical Director at the Energy Training Academy.

The Energy Training Academy provides state of the art training for gas engineer and renewable technology training from their brand-new facility in Dalkeith near Edinburgh.  The facility includes their own Net Zero Home, fully functioning and equipped with state-of-the-art green technologies for energy efficiency, clean heat and electric vehicle charging.

Robin Parker, NESTA

Robin is NESTA’s Mission Manager in Scotland for their Sustainable Future Mission.

NESTA UK are the UK’s innovation agency for social good. ‘A Sustainable Future’ is one of three core missions of NESTA’s work in the UK.  This mission aims to make it easier for people to use clean green sources of energy to heat and power their  homes.  Supporting consumers with novel content such as “Inside a heat pump home: virtual tour and homeowner Q&A” and working with stakeholders to shape policy plans and evidence for clean heat action in the UK and Scotland.


13.30: Welcome/ Intro                                                                       

13.35: Panel introductions              

13.50: Discussion, including audience Q&A 

14.25: Wrap up                

14.30: Close

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Harnessing Digital Technology for Enhanced Energy Efficiency

Harnessing Digital Technology for Enhanced Energy Efficiency

Harnessing Digital Technology for Enhanced Energy Efficiency

In an era where sustainability is paramount, the integration of digital technology into energy management has emerged as a game-changer. Join us for an insightful webinar exploring how innovative digital solutions are driving energy efficiency across Clean Heat.

Key Highlights:

  • Learn about Scottish digital technologies driving the revolution in energy efficiency

  • Real-World Success Stories: Hear from Scottish companies who have successfully implemented digital solutions to achieve significant energy savings and operational improvements.

  • Interactive Q&A Session

Featured Speakers:

  1. Lisa Cairns at IRT Surveys - Data-led services to drive energy efficiency, decarbonisation and asset management. Their DREam platform and thermal survey technologies aims to simplify and accelerate the retrofit journey.

  2. Chris Trigg at Ongen - Producing the business case for energy efficiency, onsite renewables and green tariffs with award-winning digital tools including OnGen Expert, their flagship AI enabled technology.

  3. Rachel McCaw at Scottish Enterprise - Highlighting support available to digital & data companies in Clean Heat

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Heat in the Islands Part 2: Clean Heat for business and community

Heat in the Islands Part 2: Clean Heat for business and community

Heat in the Islands Part 2: Clean Heat for business and community

Join us for Heat in the Islands Part 2: Clean Heat for business and community, an insightful webinar series dedicated to exploring the latest developments in carbon emissions profiling and the green heat transition in our unique region. This will be an industry engagement session including an update from DNO and local businesses from Shetland, Orkney, Na h-Eileanan Siar and North Ayrshire (Arran & Cumbrae).

This series will provide attendees with an overview of a baselining inventory of greenhouse gases emissions for the region with a specific focus on heat, as well as critical updates on Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies from local authorities in the Highlands and Islands. Each session will offer a deep dive into the data-driven research shaping our approach to decarbonising heat, helping to ensure that we properly explore place-based solutions that deliver tangible benefits to our communities.

Engage with experts, policymakers, and industry leaders as we navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities presented by the transition to green heat. Whether you're involved in delivery, energy policy, environmental planning, or community development, our series of webinars is your gateway to understanding and influencing the future of sustainable heating in the Highlands and Islands.

Don't miss this chance to be at the forefront of a cleaner, greener future for our region. Register today and be part of the conversation that drives change!

Speakers include:

  • Pilar Rodriguez, Energy Saving Trust

  • Craig Herriott, Flexel

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Heat pumps: competitive clean tech for all Europeans
to Sep 26

Heat pumps: competitive clean tech for all Europeans

  • 3 Rue Gineste Bruxelles, Bruxelles, 1210 Belgium (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Heat pumps: competitive clean tech for all Europeans

Together, let's position heat pumps at the forefront of industrial plan, powering Europe’s journey towards energy security & competitiveness.

On 25 and 26 September 2024 at the Heat Pump Forum & Award 2024 in Brussels, industry leaders and policy-makers will come together to empower this key net zero sector.

As Europe looks to combine the challenges of global competitiveness with the need to decarbonise, the heat pump sector offers a proven solution.

It is a cutting edge, clean tech industry attracting billions of euros in manufacturing investments and providing sustainable jobs across Europe.

At the Heat Pump Forum & Award 2024, organised by the European Heat Pump Association, we’ll explore how we can ensure the sector’s massive potential is tapped.

What policies must be in place to drive manufacturing growth in Europe? How can we make heat pumps the most affordable solution for everyone? What is the role of AI? Which business models will make the difference? And in a confusing, online world, how can we help citizens to choose to #heatright?

Accelerating heat pump adoption isn’t just strategic —it’s the key to unlocking a future of self-sufficiency, resilience, and competitiveness for Europe.

The Heat Pump Award Ceremony

Just like every year, in 2024 we will recognise the most efficient, smart and sustainable Heat Pump projects at the local level in EHPA's Heat Pump Award Ceremony. This year we will award 5 categories:

  1. Heat Pump City of the year

  2. DecarbIndustry

  3. DecarBuilding

  4. Lighthouse Heat Pump

  5. People's choice award: the most popular heat pump project


Check out the agenda here 👉🏽


  • Heat Pump Forum 2024 ➡️ 25-26 September

  • Heat Pump Award Ceremony ➡️ 25 September


  • Brussels, Double Tree Hilton Hotel

/!\ Disclaimer /!\

To respect the planet, this is a Green Event. As we want to avoid food waste, please be responsible with your decision to attend the event in person.

Limited in person places available. Save your spot at your earliest convenience.

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South of Scotland Heat Decarbonisation Brokerage event (Scottish Borders)

South of Scotland Heat Decarbonisation Brokerage event (Scottish Borders)

  • The Tweed Horizons Business and Conference Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

South of Scotland Heat Decarbonisation Brokerage event (Scottish Borders)

Welcome to the South of Scotland Heat Decarbonisation Brokerage event!

Join South of Scotland Enterprise and HeatSource at our first event dedicated to exploring opportunities to those seeking to decarbonise their properties.

Hear from specialists offering technical and place-based solutions and connect with like-minded professionals to drive positive change in the South of Scotland.

The event is free to attend (lunch will be provided), but prior registration is essential.

Places are limited to two tickets per organisation.


  • 9am to 9.30am - Registration

  • 9.30am to 9.35am - Welcome and introductions

  • 9.35am to 10am - Regional and national aspirations

  • 10am to 11am - Domestic Heat Decarbonisation (followed by Q&A session)

  • 11am to 11.30am - Networking break

  • 11.30am to 12.30pm - Non-domestic heat decarbonisation (Followed by Q&A session)

  • 12.30pm to 1.30pm - Lunch and networking

  • 1.30pm to 2.15pm - Industry and place-based support Session 1 (followed by panel discussion with Q&A)

  • 2.15pm to 3pm - Networking break

  • 3pm to 3.45pm - Industry and place-based support session two (followed by panel discussion with Q&A)

  • 3.45pm to 4pm - Closing remarks and next steps – networking to continue!

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Heat in the Highlands Part 2: Clean Heat for business and community

Heat in the Highlands Part 2: Clean Heat for business and community

Heat in the Highlands Part 2: Clean Heat for business and community

Join us for Heat in the Highlands Part 2: Clean Heat for business and community, an insightful webinar series dedicated to exploring the latest developments in carbon emissions profiling and the green heat transition in our unique region. This will be an industry engagement session which will include an update from DNO and local businesses from Highland, Moray and Argyll & Bute.

This series will provide attendees with an overview of a baselining inventory of greenhouse gases emissions for the region with a specific focus on heat, as well as critical updates on Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies from local authorities in the Highlands and Islands. Each session will offer a deep dive into the data-driven research shaping our approach to decarbonising heat, helping to ensure that we properly explore place-based solutions that deliver tangible benefits to our communities.

Engage with experts, policymakers, and industry leaders as we navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities presented by the transition to green heat. Whether you're involved in delivery, energy policy, environmental planning, or community development, our series of webinars is your gateway to understanding and influencing the future of sustainable heating in the Highlands and Islands.

Don't miss this chance to be at the forefront of a cleaner, greener future for our region. Register today and be part of the conversation that drives change!

Speakers include:

  • Callum Cruden, R&I Cruden Ltd

  • Pilar Rodriguez, Energy Saving Trust

  • Kenny Cameron, Connected Response

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Heat in the Islands Part 1: A Data Driven Approach to Clean Heat

Heat in the Islands Part 1: A Data Driven Approach to Clean Heat

Heat in the Islands Part 1: A Data Driven Approach to Clean Heat

Join us for Heat in the Islands Part 1: A Data Driven Approach to Clean Heat, an insightful webinar series dedicated to exploring the latest developments in carbon emissions profiling and the green heat transition in our unique region. This session will cover Shetland, Orkney, Na h-Eileanan Siar and North Ayrshire (Arran & Cumbrae) and will include an LHEES update.

This series will provide attendees with an overview of a baselining inventory of greenhouse gases emissions for the region with a specific focus on heat, as well as critical updates on Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies from local authorities in the Highlands and Islands. Each session will offer a deep dive into the data-driven research shaping our approach to decarbonising heat, helping to ensure that we properly explore place-based solutions that deliver tangible benefits to our communities.

Engage with experts, policymakers, and industry leaders as we navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities presented by the transition to green heat. Whether you're involved in delivery, energy policy, environmental planning, or community development, our series of webinars is your gateway to understanding and influencing the future of sustainable heating in the Highlands and Islands.

Don't miss this chance to be at the forefront of a cleaner, greener future for our region. Register today and be part of the conversation that drives change!

Speakers include:

  • Stewart Gilfillan, Net Zero Engagement Specialist (DSO)

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Heat in the Highlands Part 1: A Data Driven Approach to Clean Heat

Heat in the Highlands Part 1: A Data Driven Approach to Clean Heat

Heat in the Highlands Part 1: A Data Driven Approach to Clean Heat

Join us for Heat in the Highlands Part 1: A Data Driven Approach to Clean Heat, an insightful webinar series dedicated to exploring the latest developments in carbon emissions profiling and the green heat transition in our unique region. This session will cover Highland, Moray, Argyll & Bute and will include an LHEES update.

This series will provide attendees with an overview of a baselining inventory of greenhouse gases emissions for the region with a specific focus on heat, as well as critical updates on Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies from local authorities in the Highlands and Islands. Each session will offer a deep dive into the data-driven research shaping our approach to decarbonising heat, helping to ensure that we properly explore place-based solutions that deliver tangible benefits to our communities.

Engage with experts, policymakers, and industry leaders as we navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities presented by the transition to green heat. Whether you're involved in delivery, energy policy, environmental planning, or community development, our series of webinars is your gateway to understanding and influencing the future of sustainable heating in the Highlands and Islands.

Don't miss this chance to be at the forefront of a cleaner, greener future for our region. Register today and be part of the conversation that drives change!

Speakers include:

  • Stewart Gilfillan, Net Zero Engagement Specialist (DSO)

  •  Ruta Burbaite, Climate Change Coordinator (LHEES) , The Highland Council | Climate Change & Energy Team

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The Community Heating Show

The Community Heating Show

  • Charlotte Square Edinburgh, Scotland, EH2 United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Community Heating Show

Join us to discover what heat networks are and explore why they are poised to become the primary method of heating homes and buildings in cities in the future.

Decarbonising heat by using more electricity is a common topic of discussion. Renewable electricity doesn’t contribute to climate change, but electric heating can be costly. With many people already in fuel poverty, it’s essential that any changes minimise the impact on fuel bills and support the climate change ambitions.

This session will host a community engagement and empowerment session on heat networks. Hear from the experts to help spread the message on what heat networks are, the benefits to homeowners and how community representatives can engage with the Clean Heat Edinburgh Forum to become champions of this technology.


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Unlocking Home Efficiency: The Value of Multiple Technologies

Unlocking Home Efficiency: The Value of Multiple Technologies

  • Charlotte Square Edinburgh, Scotland, EH2 United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Unlocking Home Efficiency: The Value of Multiple Technologies

Harnessing multiple sustainable technologies within a single property can dramatically amplify energy efficiency and cost savings. This approach leverages the synergy between different systems, such as solar panels, heat pumps and smart home devices, to enhance overall performance and sustainability.

By integrating these technologies, homeowners can achieve a “multiplier effect,” where the combined benefits exceed those attainable by any single technology alone, leading to a more environmentally friendly and economically advantageous living environment.

Join Barry Sharp from Renewable Heat and Alex Butcher from WARMUR for an informative presentation on harnessing multiple sustainable technologies. They will explain how integrating various energy-efficient systems like solar panels, heat pumps and smart devices can lead to significant savings and increased overall efficiency.

This session includes a Q&A, offering you the chance to learn how these strategies can be specifically tailored to enhance the sustainability and economy of your home.

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Debunking Heat Pump Myths in Pre-1919 Homes

Debunking Heat Pump Myths in Pre-1919 Homes

  • Charlotte Square Edinburgh, Scotland, EH2 United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Debunking Heat Pump Myths in Pre-1919 Homes

While many assume that heat pumps are unsuitable for older properties, this is not the case. With careful planning and the right approach, pre-1919 properties can be upgraded to greener, more sustainable energy solutions.

Join Barry Sharp from Renewable Heat for his presentation on integrating heat pumps into older properties. He will clarify common myths and misconceptions, explore the benefits of heat pump technology and discuss the practical aspects of their installation. This session is designed to provide valuable insights for homeowners looking to modernise and install sustainable home heating systems.

The presentation will conclude with a Q&A session, during which attendees can discuss their specific queries about updating older properties with modern home heating solutions.

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The Power of Electric Heating

The Power of Electric Heating

  • Charlotte Square Edinburgh, Scotland, EH2 United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Power of Electric Heating

Electric heating, often overlooked in favour of heat pumps, offers a viable and low-carbon alternative to traditional fossil fuel heating systems. This approach not only reduces reliance on non-renewable energy sources but also supports environmental sustainability by decreasing carbon emissions.

This presentation will detail the merits of electric heating options and showcase the latest in electric boilers, radiators, and smart heating technologies. These advancements offer efficient and eco-friendly alternatives, aimed at reducing carbon footprints and energy costs, while ensuring sustainable comfort for both homes and businesses. The session will also highlight bespoke solutions tailored to specific needs.

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Installer Show
to Jun 27

Installer Show

Installer Show

So much more than a trade show. It’s time to plan your visit to InstallerSHOW, the UK’s number one destination for influential installers and specifiers of heat, water, air and energy technology. It is THE place to see and try new product innovations, meet your peers, make connections with manufacturers and gain industry insights to keep your business ahead of the curve.

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The Scotsman Highland & Islands Green Energy Conference

The Scotsman Highland & Islands Green Energy Conference

The Scotsman Highland & Islands Green Energy Conference

Scotsman Conferences is thrilled to announce the return of this LIVE event to the heart of the Highlands and Islands for its third year.

Scotland has set itself a tough target of hitting net-zero targets by 2045, five years ahead of the rest of the UK.

Can Scotland emerge as a frontrunner on the global stage in renewable energy? What role does the Highlands and Islands region play in this endeavour, and what practical measures are necessary to ensure success?

Join us for a day of insightful discussions and debate on the challenges and opportunities in the Highlands and Islands as Scotland aims to lead in green energy transition. Pose your questions to our expert panels and network with industry leaders.

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Sustainabuild Breakfast Club-Glasgow
to Jun 5

Sustainabuild Breakfast Club-Glasgow

Sustainabuild Breakfast Club-Glasgow

Sustainabuild invites you to attend Breakfast Club- Glasgow, 30 May, to discuss ‘Decarbonising Heat in Buildings’. 

Join us for a morning of networking and expert-led discussions around our theme, ‘Decarbonising Heat in Buildings’. This event is a must-attend for anyone working on decarbonising the built environment.

This Breakfast Club will be guest-hosted by Kirsty McLuckie, Property Editor at The Scotsman. With her extensive background in property journalism, and broadcasting, Kirsty will guide us through this highly topical discussion and facilitate our audience Q&A. 

Meet our speakers: 

  • Dr Roddy Yarr, Director of Sustainability at the University of Glasgow, will share his insights on managing heat in buildings, emphasising good maintenance, effective refurbishment plans, and on-site clean energy generation. 

  • Doreen Reid, Specialist in Low Carbon Energy at Scottish Enterprise, will discuss Scotland's clean heat transformation, exploring the driving forces, support mechanisms, challenges, and opportunities. 

  • Dave Pearson, Group Sustainable Development Director at Star Refrigeration, will discuss the decarbonisation of heat in cities, highlighting successes like the Queens Quay project and debunking common misconceptions about costs and targets. 

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Unlocking Efficiency in Green Energy Supply Chains through Emerging Technologies

Unlocking Efficiency in Green Energy Supply Chains through Emerging Technologies

Unlocking Efficiency in Green Energy Supply Chains through Emerging Technologies

Join this webinar to learn about how new and emerging technologies can unlock efficiencies in the green energy supply chain.

Optimisation of green energy supply chains is critical to achieving the nation’s net zero future. Current challenges such as complex supply chains, siloed data sources, and highly manual processes result in unreliable data, lack of transparency and unproductive operations.

This in turn leads to rising costs and inefficiencies across the sector and threatens to hinder progress towards our decarbonisation goals. Meanwhile increasing regulations on ESG reporting requires companies to find new and innovative ways to track their emissions in a trusted and transparent way. This becomes increasingly important as emissions data forms the basis for emerging markets around hydrogen and CCUS.

This webinar presents the opportunity for companies and stakeholders in the Energy sector to hear from experts in Digital Technology and Energy highlight the current challenges across green energy supply chains and showcase emerging digital technologies, such as AI and Blockchain, which can lead to more efficient, optimised and secure processes to drive productivity in the energy sector.

This webinar is aimed at anyone in the Energy sector who is looking at adopting new and innovative technology solutions to drive efficiencies

  • Intro – Sarah Forbes – Scottish Enterprise - 11:00-11:05

  • Unlocking Efficiencies in the Energy Sector: The Digital Opportunity – Blair O’Connor – Net Zero Technology Centre - 11:05-11:15

  • Driving Innovation in Energy through Secure Data Sharing – Jonathan Jones – SICCAR - 11:15-11:20

  • Optimising Green Energy Supply Chains through Digital Technologies – Craig McKay – Global E&C - 11:20-11:30

  • Empowering the Green Transition: How Blockchain Technology Drives Transparency and Net-Zero Goals in the Energy Industry – Rajesh Kumar Plamthottathil – Track Genesis - 11:30-11:40

  • Q&A - 11:40-11:55

  • Close & Next Steps – Sarah Forbes - 11:55-12:00

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HPA Refrigerant Awareness Webinar

HPA Refrigerant Awareness Webinar

HPA Refrigerant Awareness Webinar

As the Heat Pump sector advances, and efforts are made to reduce the potential impact that refrigerants could have on the environment, a large proportion of the selected refrigerants will ultimately fall out of the scope of the current F-Gas regulations, leaving a potential awareness and understanding gap.

The HPA is committed to promoting and enhancing the safe and efficient installation of heat pumps in the UK.

In support of this commitment, and in conjunction with our members, this informative, CPD accredited, webinar will provide installers, designers and specifiers of heat pumps with enhanced knowledge about all types of refrigerant gases and considerations of such, to support with the correct installation, maintenance and servicing.

The webinar is FREE TO ATTEND and open to anyone interested in learning more about the role refrigerants play in the effective operation of a heat pump and the considerations which should be considered regarding the different refrigerant types when working safely with or around heat pumps.

Note: This webinar is an awareness CPD, and not a regulated flammable refrigerant training course and therefore anyone installing split refrigerant system heat pumps or breaking the hermetic seal of a heat pump containing a refrigerant, should undertake a formal qualification prior to doing so.

Presenter – Andy Hayes, Senior Training Manager (Vaillant) – HPA Member

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All-Energy & Dcarbonise 2024
to May 16

All-Energy & Dcarbonise 2024

Lowering carbon impact to improve sustainability

All-Energy takes pride in being the UK’s largest low carbon energy and full supply chain renewables event; while the co-located Dcarbonise is aimed at private and public sector energy end users.

All-Energy offers an opportunity to meet, network and make connections with the renewable energy community with two days of uninterrupted business.

Dcarbonise is Scotland’s only event dedicated to helping you improve energy efficiency and decrease costs for the built environment and transport solutions. And we do that by tailoring the event to your energy needs.

HeatSource will be exhibiting at stand P71 within the DCarbonise zone.

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Scottish Enterprise Clean Heat Conference

Scottish Enterprise Clean Heat Conference

This one-day conference will bring together the key public, private and third sector organisations to share knowledge and expertise on what is driving and will continue to drive the significant growth potential of the Clean Heat market in Scotland.

We must address the energy efficiency of our homes and switch to clean, zero emissions heating, creating large scale supply chain opportunities which will continue to grow as we accelerate towards a net zero future by 2045.

At this event you will hear from a range of experts including Local Authorities on their Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies and private investors in heat networks, representing a step change in the way that energy efficiency and decarbonisation of heat is planned and delivered. You will also hear from Scottish supply chain companies offering world leading innovative solutions and find out what investors look for in a successful project. This event will bring together 200 attendees plus exhibitors and throughout the day you will have plenty of opportunities to make new contacts and network with a range of organisations. 

If you want to find out more or register your interest early for exhibition space please email

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Heat, Housing, and the Future of Net Zero Homes 

Heat, Housing, and the Future of Net Zero Homes 

The Scottish Governments Heat in Buildings Bill Consultation has set out ambitious statutory fuel poverty reduction targets, and measures to eliminate heating systems which burn fossil fuels.

Accelerating progress towards a Net Zero housing network is crucial in keeping Scotland on track to meet its 2045 climate targets. But, will necessary progress be a source of further hindrance to those struggling to find or afford a home?

A widely publicised housing crisis continues to exacerbate accommodation scarcity and heat insecurity, and urgent reform is required to cut the fifth of Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions currently being produced by homes. Holyrood’s 2023 Climate Action Summit exposed the challenges, including a green skills gap and a lack of public confidence in energy markets, that must be addressed.

Holyrood’s new annual ‘Heat, Housing and the Future of Net Zero homes’ one day conference will explore what practical steps are necessary to deliver a greater supply of affordable housing, whilst adhering to the more stringent energy standards (such as the ban on direct emissions heating systems) coming into force in 2024.

This event is being hosted in partnership with Sustainable Scotland Network (SSN) and the Edinburgh Climate Change Institute (ECCI).

Panel sessions include:

  • Scottish housing: from urgence to resurgence

  • What will ongoing energy reforms mean for Scotland’s housing sector?

  • Overcoming the barriers to achieving a green housing sector

Bringing together local authorities, housing associations and members of the Scottish Government, this event will set out key areas of focus and action needed to deliver a future of truly sustainable Net Zero homes.

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