A policy library for decarbonising home heating



Governments in the UK - including the Welsh and Scottish governments - will need to introduce new policies to minimise pollution and mitigate climate change.



To support their upcoming policy plan, Nesta has created a library that pulls together supporting evidence from Nesta and beyond - including technical and social research, modelling and industry assessments - and provides clear and actionable recommendations for the best ways forward.

Find out more using the links below:

  1. Strategic choices on low-carbon heat

  2. Making low-carbon heating affordable

  3. Phasing out fossil fuel heating

  4. Delivering the heat transition at scale

  5. Increasing public understanding and supporting consumers through the transition

  6. Growing the heating industry and workforce

​Making informed decisions on decarbonisation means having access to credible and up-to-date information. To support our policy plan, this library pulls together supporting evidence from Nesta and beyond - including technical and social research, modelling and industry assessments - and provides clear and actionable recommendations for the best ways forward.


First homes soon to be connected to £30m heating network


The Community Heating Show | Green Home Festival 2024