Borderlands investment programme - South of Scotland Enterprise
Last week the Borderlands energy investment programme launched with expressions of interest open until 12 noon on Wednesday 19th of February 2025.
The programme looks to help decarbonise the region while improving employment opportunities as part of a just transition. There is £13.5million of capital grant funding initially allocated to projects in the South of Scotland (£29.9million in total). It’s designed for large scale projects with funding requests between £1.5million to £3.5million and intervention rate of up to 50% of total eligible project costs. There may be opportunities for smaller projects to collaborate together with partners to create a large project to meet the funding requirement. All projects must be fully complete by December 2029 so it’s suitable for longer term projects, which is good to see.
It’s looking for projects which can deliver reduced energy usage, reduced carbon emissions and create long term jobs/increase GVA within the region, it has a number of priority elements which are listed in Appendix 1 of the call for projects document. This includes electrification of heat, non-domestic energy efficiency, smart technology (inc. demand management and heat networks), energy storage (thermal or battery).
Full details of the Call, including all relevant documents & EOI form, can be found here.