Have your say: South Lanarkshire Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)



South Lanarkshire Council is consulting on their first LHEES and Delivery plan and, are keen to hear from the public and stakeholders on the proposed content.



The LHEES is a long-term strategic framework for the improvement of the energy efficiency of buildings in South Lanarkshire, and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the heating of buildings.

It sets out how each segment of the building stock needs to change to reach net zero, identifies strategic heat decarbonisation zones, and sets out the principal measures for reducing building emissions within each zone.

The LHEES will prioritise areas for the delivery of heat decarbonisation actions.

It covers all building sectors – domestic, non-domestic and public buildings and sets a strategic framework for decarbonising the heat in these buildings over a 20-year timeframe.

The consultation will remain open until Friday 12 April 2024 with the final strategy and delivery plan to be submitted to the council's Executive Committee in June 2024.


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