Economic Value of Clean Heat in Scotland | Scottish Enterprise



Scottish Enterprise have found that the sector has experienced significant growth over the past three years, with employment increasing by 68%, turnover by 52% and GVA by 69%.



The overall aim of the study from Scottish Enterprise was to establish a baseline to enable future monitoring of growth in the Clean Heat sector and to better understand the companies active in the sector.

Specific research objectives were:

 Estimate the size and growth of the sector, and sub-sectors, including: 

 - Define current and historic turnover, jobs and economic impact
- Identify projected trends in turnover and jobs to assess growth prospects
- Quantify current exports (value and geography) and export intentions
-Identify innovation projects/ new products
-Identify barriers and opportunities to growth

Identify the existing companies in the sector and understand how the sector operates, i.e.:

- Identify companies (primarily from existing databases)
- Analyse companies by size, geography, role in the supply chain and sub-sector
- Understand their upstream supply chain
- Understand their downstream supply chain
- Identify their opportunities and aspirations for the Clean Heat sector


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