Meet the UK National Geothermal Centre (NGC)



Last month, the Net Zero Technology Centre, Durham University, SHIFT Geothermal, and The Reece Foundation announced the launch of the UK National Geothermal Centre (NGC).



A waste centre at Polmadie could provide heat to Hampden Park, a hospital, homes and schools, a study has found.

Together with their partners, and through strategic alliances, their initial focus will be on four areas required to unlock geothermal potential:

Research and knowledge

We are creating a national hub to disseminate geothermal expertise, knowledge and best practice, either directly or by signposting to expertise and data hosted by others. Acting as a conduit between industry and academia, we are coordinating and creating impact through research and disruptive insights, finding effective solutions to build and optimise geothermal delivery. We will collate and share best practice, and, with the experts, develop technical standards for the new geothermal sector.

Policy, regulation and investment

We are ensuring the creation of optimal frameworks – policy, regulatory, and financial – to enable geothermal development. We represent the full geothermal potential of the UK, showcasing the substantial benefits to decision-makers and the supply chain, while providing a portfolio perspective to reduce risk. With our community, we provide expertise and science-based evidence to inform bespoke solutions.

Technology and innovation

We are supporting our traditional industries to transition skills and technologies to enable geothermal. Alongside our network, we will prove, pilot and deploy ground-breaking technologies that are both efficient and affordable, to drive geothermal expansion. Prioritising the UK’s future workforce and economy, we will provide pathways to future career opportunities while reskilling and upskilling our existing energy workforce.

Connecting infrastructure

We will enable geothermal solutions for sectors such as heat network operators, the construction industry, manufacturing and agriculture. This will deliver geothermal energy into the UK’s future energy mix, alongside other low carbon energy sources. 


Economic Value of Clean Heat in Scotland | Scottish Enterprise


Waste centre could provide heat to hospitals, homes and Hampden