Waste centre could provide heat to hospitals, homes and Hampden



A feasibility study found a network is 'technically and economically viable', council officials have reported.



A waste centre at Polmadie could provide heat to Hampden Park, a hospital, homes and schools, a study has found.

Plans for a heat network using the Glasgow Recycling and Renewable Energy Centre on Polmadie Road could make “substantial inroads” into reducing carbon emissions in the area.

A feasibility study found a network is “technically and economically viable”, council officials have reported.

They added the proposal is “commercially attractive enough to engage the private sector’s interest”. 

It could cost around £24m to build out the network.

The report added carbon emissions analysis suggests a 81% reduction is achievable through development of the network, relative to “the continued operation of existing heating systems”. 

“These savings are estimated with gas boiler back-up over a 40-year assessment period.”


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